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Optimiertes Projektmanagement.
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Basecamp-Bewertungen und Produktdetails

Was ist Basecamp?

Basecamp hat sich seit seiner Einführung im Jahr 2004 zu einer Projektmanagement-Plattform entwickelt, aber seine Mission, Remote-Teams zu helfen, organisiert, produktiv und effizient zu bleiben, bleibt bestehen. Eine neue Funktion, die Basecamp kürzlich hinzugefügt hat, heißt Basecamp Hill – eine visuelle Darstellung, die die Komponente eines Projekts in eine Phase der Unsicherheit, des Unbekannten und der Problemlösung (bergauf) und eine Phase der Gewissheit, des Vertrauens und der Ausführung (bergab) unterteilt. . Dies kommt zu den Kernfunktionen von Basecamp hinzu, zu denen ein Mes gehörtsage Board, Aufgaben, Kalender, Dokumente und Dateien, Gruppenchat und automatisierte Check-ins. Es ist eine Top-down- und Bottom-up-Plattform für jeden in einem Unternehmen oder einer Organisation – von Eigentümern und C-Level-Führungskräften bis hin zu Projektmanagern und einzelnen Teammitgliedern.

Unternehmen Basecamp, LLC
Gründungsjahr 1999
Firmengröße 51-200 Mitarbeiter
Hauptsitz Chicago, Illinois, Vereinigte Staaten
Soziale Medien
Basecamp-Kategorien auf Findstack
Stellen Sie Fragen zu Basecamp
Wofür eignet sich Basecamp am besten?
Wie schneidet Basecamp im Vergleich zu Asana ab?
Was sind die Vor- und Nachteile von Basecamp?
Mittlerer Markt
Einsatz Cloud / SaaS / Webbasiert, mobiles Android, mobiles iPad, mobiles iPhone
Unterstützung 24/7 (Live-Repräsentant), Chat, E-Mail/Helpdesk, FAQs/Forum, Wissensdatenbank, Telefonsupport
Ausbildung Dokumentation
Sprachen Englisch
Vor- und Nachteile von Basecamp
  • Hervorragend geeignet für die Verwaltung von Terminplänen und To-Do-Listen
  • Automatische Check-ins und Gruppenchat für Remote-Arbeit
  • Hilfreiches mesage Tafel
  • Nützlich, um wichtige Dokumente zu finden
  • Einfache und anpassbare Umgebung
  • Erfordert die Integration von Drittanbietern für die Zeiterfassung
  • Funktionen müssen etwas flexibler sein, um eine bessere Funktionalität zu erreichen
Unterstützung für agile Methoden
Collaboration Tools
Anpassbare Dashboards
File Sharing
Integration mit Apps von Drittanbietern
Issue Tracking
Mobile Access
Benachrichtigungen und Warnungen
Reporting und Analytik
Rollenbasierte Zugriffssteuerung
Base-Camping 0
Base-Camping 1
Base-Camping 2
Base-Camping 3
Base-Camping 4
Base-Camping 5
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Letzte Aktualisierung: September 07, 2024
5,257 Basecamp Bewertungen
4.1 von 5
Mittleres Marktsegment (51–1000 Mitarbeiter)
Jan 25, 2024
Shreya M. Avatar
Shreya M.
Direktor für Produkt- und Patientenerfahrung
„Perfektes Tool für einfaches Projektmanagement mit Kunden“
Was gefällt Ihnen an Basecamp am besten?

It is simple to use, has configurable sub-products we can pick and choose per the type of project. The unique thing is the ability to have clients view the updates and selected files we want them to see.

Was gefällt Ihnen an Basecamp nicht?

It does not have a comprehensive roadmap system. It is hard to manage the sub-items under each project on a single roadmap.

Welche Probleme löst Basecamp und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

For agencies, it's a great product. When you have multiple client facing projects which do not have overlapping as such.

Kleinunternehmen (50 oder weniger Mitarbeiter)
Jan 06, 2024
Zac B.
„Mehrere Projekte gleichzeitig verwalten“
Was gefällt Ihnen an Basecamp am besten?

I like the way it is easy to use and implement and navigate. I also like how you can communicate in real time and have response in real time.For time collaboration base camp is really the best.

Was gefällt Ihnen an Basecamp nicht?

How can anyone dislike Basecamp and it is simply the best.

Welche Probleme löst Basecamp und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

Since I started using Basecamp my company has made a lot of profit and progress. Basecamp is there to help companies grow.

Kleinunternehmen (50 oder weniger Mitarbeiter)
29. Dezember 2023
Vibin K.
„Mit Basecamp kann ich jedes Projekt betreuen“
Was gefällt Ihnen an Basecamp am besten?

I've been using Basecamp to handle many projects and I have to admit, the connection with different APIs really stands out for me. Basecamp's simplification of project management is great, especially for difficult jobs that include many team players. I really like the feature for keeping time. It has saved me a lot by helping to note how many hours I spend on different parts of a project, which then lets me give correct estimates of costs. This is very important because in the world of cloud computing, every hour matters and software costs can rise fast.

Was gefällt Ihnen an Basecamp nicht?

But, I think Basecamp should improve its functions for dealing with many projects at once. Not having GANNT charts makes it hard to see project schedules and assign tasks properly. When working on many projects, this becomes very important. At times, the interface can seem busy, particularly when you're dealing with various tasks.

Welche Probleme löst Basecamp und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

Basecamp has mainly fixed the problem of project pieces being scattered for me. By having all my stuff in one spot, I can watch over every project I'm handling without missing small bits of information.

Kleinunternehmen (50 oder weniger Mitarbeiter)
27. Oktober 2023
David M. Avatar
David M.
Communications Director
„Alles an einem Ort“
Was gefällt Ihnen an Basecamp am besten?

The best thing about Basecamp 3 is the ability to have everything in one spot. Pings have replaced the occasional work text, the chat eliminates the need for some kind of group chat like Slack, the discussions are way better than email, and the files and documents feature has really been improved and works well with different cloud storage providers. The to-do and check-in systems are also fantastic.

Was gefällt Ihnen an Basecamp nicht?

We miss some of the calendar features of Basecamp 2. It would be nice to bulk-import a bunch of people at a time. I'd love the ability to link to a Dropbox folder in the Files and Docs section instead of a specific document.

Welche Probleme löst Basecamp und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

It's helped us with communication and organization. There's far less confusion in the office about what's happening. It also makes it more transparent what people are working on, what's on their plate, and increases a sense of accountability.

Mittleres Marktsegment (51–1000 Mitarbeiter)
19. Oktober 2023
Muhammad A.
„Praktische Software zur Bildschirmaufnahme.“
Was gefällt Ihnen an Basecamp am besten?

As an accountant’s point of view, I can confidently say that Basecamp is reliable for team collaborations. The cheap monthly price of this application is my favorite part because my business cannot afford expensive software like this. It also works well for bigger teams or has a free version. I love the intuitive interface through which I create guest accounts (quite important when collaborating with external partners). It is a really well integrated collaboration app.

Was gefällt Ihnen an Basecamp nicht?

Nonetheless, there are certain things I do not like about Basecamp. Although it performs tasks effectively, it can be inadequate for complex projects. Though, the dashboard design of software is functional but a little bit does not fit with the more modern interface.

Welche Probleme löst Basecamp und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

We benefit from increased productivity when using Basecamp, the answer to streamlined team communication and task tracking. It is critical for efficient financial management as we save time by consolidating multiple project resources into one point.

Kleinunternehmen (50 oder weniger Mitarbeiter)
21. September 2023
Ysrael C. Avatar
Ysrael C.
Regisseur De Arte
„Das beste Workflow-Management-System“
Was gefällt Ihnen an Basecamp am besten?

The easiest way to create to-dos and bookmarks, asign people to the work and upload documents in the text box, its very helpfull to find information in short time.

Was gefällt Ihnen an Basecamp nicht?

The paid version Its very expensive, maybe if you create a basic plan for small business, more people could use basecamp at work. It's a good way to work. Just that.

Welche Probleme löst Basecamp und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

Workflow!! Put in order my team, change and assign to-do. Reducing coordination times by more than 50 percent so means 50% cost operative reducción. Great solution!

Mittleres Marktsegment (51–1000 Mitarbeiter)
11. September 2023
Phoebe A. Avatar
Phoebe A.
Software IngenieurIn
„Das am einfachsten zu verwendende Projektmanagement-Tool.“
Was gefällt Ihnen an Basecamp am besten?

We started using Basecamp to manage our projects 4 years ago and since then, the product has grown deep roots within our organization. It is a simple to use and easily accessible shared workspace platform that allows us to unite during projects which allows better collaboration. It helps us to keep all project information including files well organized and very safe. It allows us to assign tasks to individuals which helps us have a clarity on who is responsible for what. Basecamp also help us stay on deadlines by setting due dates to keep us reminded of the project timelines. It is an easy and very effective platform for communicating and discussing during projects through chatting and this help ensure everyone is able to get the necessary information at all times. We also use Basecamp to organize our work with To-dos amd this makes it easy to track the progress of the entire project by looking on what has been done and what is still to be done.

Was gefällt Ihnen an Basecamp nicht?

The customer support services through the contact us has been so responsive and this makes it easy for us to handle any setbacks quickly. All the features available are easy to use. I have really see n the better side of Basecamp and am yet to experience any dislikes from it.

Welche Probleme löst Basecamp und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

Basecamp is generally used as a project management tool in our organization and it helps us to ensure projects are being run smoothly. It helps us to have a clear picture view of the entire project cycle from the start date to the end date. With Basecamp, it became easy for us to work collaboratively on projects as it makes it easy for us to communicate, share files , discuss and share ideas during projects via instant chatting. Basecamp has helped us streamline our work during projects. It has helped us ensure we finish our projects within the available timelines to avoid the inconveniences of deadlines like extra budget and failing to meet customers agreements.

Mittleres Marktsegment (51–1000 Mitarbeiter)
10. September 2023
Philip T. Avatar
Philip T.
„Teamarbeit leicht gemacht“
Was gefällt Ihnen an Basecamp am besten?

The ability to create your workgroups for the variety of teams I am on is a great feature. I love that you can communicate with team members efficiently and reliably. The activity log quickly lets you see at a glance the interactions and work that has been assigned, worked on, and completed. So helpful when it comes to working and communicating with your team efficiently.

Was gefällt Ihnen an Basecamp nicht?

There isn't much that I don't like, but if I could make the "To Do" feature more functional in updating tasks on a percentage base or even have checkpoints within one job. That would be a nice added feature.

Welche Probleme löst Basecamp und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

We use Basecamp as our primary work and connection point for a variety of tasks and jobs. Basecamp helps coordinate and align all of our teammates so that they are all on the same page. The benefits we've seen is having one place for communication, one place for tasks to be deleated, one place where documents and edits are able to be made, together.

Kleinunternehmen (50 oder weniger Mitarbeiter)
05. September 2023
Katie T.
„Es hat alles an der Arbeitsweise unseres All-Remote-Teams verändert!“
Was gefällt Ihnen an Basecamp am besten?

Since we are all remote, Basecamp has really changed how we operate. Before, we were depending on one person in leadership to know what was going on with every project at all time, which was exhausting for her and limiting for the rest of the team. Now that we can create projects in Basecamp AND store all of our files there, just about anyone can pop in and see where we're at in a project at anytime. We also save so much time in not having to communicate constantly about priorities, schedules, locations of documents, etc.

Was gefällt Ihnen an Basecamp nicht?

There are a few small things I would love to see change in Basecamp. The main one would be that I would love to be able to have "done" on one task trigger a follow-up task. For example, I could click "done" on a proofing task and that would trigger the "make corrections" task to enable with a deadline of two business days later. That would make a huge difference for me as the project manager to know that those tasks are cascading on their own.

Welche Probleme löst Basecamp und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

It's a major communication boost for us. To have the whole team in there and to have all of our current projects hanging out makes a huge difference. It really empowers the members of our growing team to feel like they are "in the know" for where we are headed with our products.

Kleinunternehmen (50 oder weniger Mitarbeiter)
22. August 2023
Brian F.
„Basecamp ist unser Hub für Kommunikation und GSD“
Was gefällt Ihnen an Basecamp am besten?

With folks who work onsite and offsite and hybrid Basecamp keeps us organized, connected, communicating well, and effective.

Was gefällt Ihnen an Basecamp nicht?

Really minor request: I'd like there to be "Card Templates" in the Card Tables. So that when you create a card it could have built in steps/to-dos.

Welche Probleme löst Basecamp und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

We have folks who work offsite a lot and a number of part time employees. Basecamp is SUPER helpful for asynchronous communication and clarity on who's doing what when.

Kleinunternehmen (50 oder weniger Mitarbeiter)
18. August 2023
Rick G.-Avatar
Rick G.
Berater, Analysemethoden
„Meine Erfahrungen mit Basecamp“
Was gefällt Ihnen an Basecamp am besten?

Great UI for all users, regardless of their levels of experience with online collaborative tools. As an account administrator/owner, I can create as many Basecamps as I need, each for a different project. Individuals added to specific Basecamps will only see those that they have been added to. If teams are posting Google Docs or Sheets to Basecamps, the entire content of those documents is searchable.

Was gefällt Ihnen an Basecamp nicht?

I would prefer that notifications to all in a Basecamp were set to ON by default. This is particularly important for distributed teams. I would like to see Microsoft 365 documents uploaded to Basecamp be completely searchable like Google Docs, Sheets, etc.

Welche Probleme löst Basecamp und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

Timely distributed team collaboration across multiple time zones, for a wide variety of projects. From an administrator/owner POV, easy management of project administration and team members.

Kleinunternehmen (50 oder weniger Mitarbeiter)
10. August 2023
Gabrielle S.
Was gefällt Ihnen an Basecamp am besten?

I like how you can manage projets and work with people easily and remotely.

Was gefällt Ihnen an Basecamp nicht?

Basecamp project timeline program is limited in what it can do.

Welche Probleme löst Basecamp und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

It helps you work on projects with others remotely.

Kleinunternehmen (50 oder weniger Mitarbeiter)
08. August 2023
Jess C.
Stellvertretender Freiwilligenkoordinator
„Basecamp hilft, die Organisation und Kommunikation für Teams zu vereinfachen“
Was gefällt Ihnen an Basecamp am besten?

It is easy to upload documents onto Basecamp. Additionally, Basecamp sends out realtime updates to team members when an item is uploaded, a comment is made and when a task is assigned making it easy to keep up to date.

Was gefällt Ihnen an Basecamp nicht?

Basecamp does not have an easy search mechanism.

Welche Probleme löst Basecamp und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

Basecamp is a one stop location for housing documents that are easy to access by all members of a team, easy interface for sharing updates and/or asking questions to the whole team and is user friendly allowing a wide range of individuals to feel comfortable accessing and utlizing it.

Kleinunternehmen (50 oder weniger Mitarbeiter)
24. Juli 2023
Jordan B.
Account Coordinator
„Sehr praktisch!“
Was gefällt Ihnen an Basecamp am besten?

I love the user-friendlyness of Basecamp. Very easy to use, helps me keep my workday organized & communicate with my team about our projects.

Was gefällt Ihnen an Basecamp nicht?

Nothing, everything works to my advantage in Basecamp

Welche Probleme löst Basecamp und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

It solves the problem of organization for me and team. Everything in one place - comms, tasks, etc.

Kleinunternehmen (50 oder weniger Mitarbeiter)
22. Juli 2023
Vianney Nahomi A.
Was gefällt Ihnen an Basecamp am besten?

its easy to work with, it makes esier to work with long distance teams, it also allows you to create documents that you can share with your team, we also have a clock there to help us with the attendance.

Was gefällt Ihnen an Basecamp nicht?

I have a lot of junk emails from all the notifications received, you do need time to get used to it (you do need a proper training for your team). It's not a tool know by everyone.

Welche Probleme löst Basecamp und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

It mainly solves communication issues, check in and out of work, delivery of documents, creation of shared folders, posting notes or pending, among other things.

Kleinunternehmen (50 oder weniger Mitarbeiter)
19. Juli 2023
Marvin R.
„Schau mal, Basecamp. So einfach!“
Was gefällt Ihnen an Basecamp am besten?

Super simple and not bloated with endless features I would never use.

Was gefällt Ihnen an Basecamp nicht?

Nothing. I really do like it everything about it.

Welche Probleme löst Basecamp und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

Basecamp helps our team stay connected and organized around various projects.

Mittleres Marktsegment (51–1000 Mitarbeiter)
15. Juli 2023
Abhishek M.
„Bestes Tool für Projektmanagement“
Was gefällt Ihnen an Basecamp am besten?

The easy to use UI which helps newbees also to understand much better

Was gefällt Ihnen an Basecamp nicht?

Time tracker is not there. It would be good if specific projects have a time tracking on it so that it gives keep a project completeion in normal pace.

Welche Probleme löst Basecamp und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

Helps to manage the multiple project all at one platform

Mittleres Marktsegment (51–1000 Mitarbeiter)
06. Juli 2023
Kevin J.
„Steigern Sie die Effizienz und Zusammenarbeit mit Basecamp:Empowering Teams for Success.“
Was gefällt Ihnen an Basecamp am besten?

Simplifies communication and improves team productivity. Centralizes task tracking and project documentation. Enhances transparency and accountability within teams.

Was gefällt Ihnen an Basecamp nicht?

I have no repulsion towards anything. Basecamp helps to streamline project management and collaboration. It offers a user friendly interface and intuitive workflow. Supports integration with polular third party tools.

Welche Probleme löst Basecamp und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

Enables seamless file sharing and version control. Promotes efficient project planning and resources allocation. Provides reliable data security and privacy measures.

Kleinunternehmen (50 oder weniger Mitarbeiter)
04. Juli 2023
Sherry P. Avatar
Sherry P.
„Ich kann dieses Produkt nicht genug empfehlen“
Was gefällt Ihnen an Basecamp am besten?

1- Basecamp has a 100% free version! 2- Normal, everyday people can easily use it. 3- It will guide you through every step of every aspect of using it! It allows you to intergrate other applications into it.

Was gefällt Ihnen an Basecamp nicht?

There is not a template "bank" to use. But it will guide you through creating whatever you need. Or it will show you how to integrate another app so you can use their templates.

Welche Probleme löst Basecamp und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

It helps me organize my very hectic life. It is like having a personal assistant I can pull up at any time and see what I need to do. It is a project management app for a newbie.

Unternehmen (> 1000 MA)
13. Juni 2023
Emily M. Avatar
Emily M.
Berater für digitale Marketingstrategie
„Basecamp dominiert beim Projektmanagement“
Was gefällt Ihnen an Basecamp am besten?

The repetition of tasks or projects is a useful feature when you have a list of frequent tasks. It is simple to have the same procedure every time you want to run the task list. It is simple to add people outside the program and give them access to the same version of the program to collaborate on it. I like the look of a calendar. At the point when you are trying to set completion dates for tasks, observing the calendar layout can really help you understand your point of view for the date, the week and quickly rinse out any completed tasks that need to be moved or dealt with.

Was gefällt Ihnen an Basecamp nicht?

You possibly can adhere to Basecamp's ICal to exhibit Basecamp's program on your own calendar's calendar, this is helpful, however, it is very limited. I do not notice any features of it other than the name. There is no description or information about the job list or project the job is associated with. Combining it with different tools would be good. I would like to be able to view my own or my company's Outlook calendar on the same calendar, however, this is not currently possible. I use Basecamp V2 because the newer V3 lacks certain features of V2. It was apparently created with the goal of doing a slightly different job. Unfortunately, V2 does not receive feature updates as frequently as V3.

Welche Probleme löst Basecamp und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

We use Basecamp within the marketing department. It can easily be used within the company, however, only the marketing department uses it at this time. It is used for the purpose of managing all projects and tasks within the marketing department. I don't particularly like logging in on my days off or even seeing the summary journal emails. On the contrary, the way we use it is this: in the event that I am assigned a task or a new project, it brings me together with the team and asks my project manager to take notes on the thing that needs to be done.