Cloudways ist ein Managed-Hosting-Anbieter, der sich auf Leistung und Einfachheit konzentriert. Ganz gleich, ob Sie einfache Server- und Anwendungsstarts oder laufende Serverwartung benötigen, Couldways wurde entwickelt, um den gesamten Prozess der Serververwaltung zu vereinfachen, um das Geschäftswachstum zu unterstützen, dank seiner leistungsstarken Suite von Tools und Diensten, die Ihnen bei der Verwaltung Ihrer E-Commerce-Shops und Unternehmensseiten helfen können. Es unterstreicht auch die Benutzeroptionen – von Cloud-Anbietern und Hosting.
Unser |
Segment |
Einsatz | Cloud / SaaS / Webbasiert |
Unterstützung | 24/7 (Live-Repräsentant), Chat, E-Mail/Helpdesk, FAQs/Forum, Wissensdatenbank, Telefonsupport |
Trainings | Dokumentation |
Sprachen | Englisch |
Their support, and the flexibility of the cloud portal
it is more expensive than going direct, but they do provide a more friendly interface
Provides integrated cloud solutions to managing production and staging environments
Easily scalable and fast platform. The UI is also great
I do not like that there are many restrictions, restrictions are fine but I want to define them myself.
Cloudways delivers us a quick setup to start developping
Cloudways' web interface is straightforward to use and understand. You can create a site in just a few clicks, and creating staging applications is a breeze.
Cloudways seems to be in an awkward position between cheap shared hosting services and more expensive PaaS hosts. For example, you have to estimate which server size your website needs, which can be tricky to get right. If it's too small, your application will slow down and crash. If it's too large, you are paying for more than you need. The web interface, while pretty robust, is missing some features.
I was able to move a very low traffic Drupal site to Cloudways without much difficulty. This is saving me hundreds of dollars a year on hosting costs.
Server feels secure, one less thing to worry about.
Not sure how it really works. Pricing seems to continue to increase, not sure why.
Server security for entire organization.
Nothing really, just bad service and difficult to get answer.
These guys are a SCAM, they take your Bank information and then they charge you without any service or explanation, I emailed their billing to get an explanation on the charges, the response is a link to FAQ. I have not used them for more than a year and I have no active servers or application , yet they still charges my credit. In addition they purposely don't allow you to remove your credit card information from their system so they can continue charging you. Appaling service.
Didn't not solve a problem, I left them because it was bad service.
Cloudways support is TOTAL UTTER CRAP. Don't get me wrong, every agent you'll talk to is nice and professional, but if throw even a slightly difficult issue at them, prepare to get a run around for more than month. You will be totally ignored over and over and over. It feels like I've entered the twilight zone, where nobody at cloudways I talk to are real human beings, just a bunch of people doing their jobs. Don't be fooled by a few pagespeed and gtmetrix tests or a few dozen visits to your sites hosted with cloudways.... The consistency of website performance is ATROCIOUS!!!!!! it is all over the map. And to keep be websites running and running normally is so increddibly time consuming with cloudways. I've been trapped by the "prices are good" for too long, and am now literally going insane. Below is my review given afer one month It has been one month since I started moving sites over from my cpanel based provider to Cloudways. It isn't all positives. But the most important positive so far outweigh the negatives. The biggest positive is when I move client sites to Cloudways / Vultr they run A LOT faster in real-life experience (average improvement of 5 seconds... from 8 seconds with HUGE variation to 2.5 seconds and tight variation). These results are true across the country, where I ask my client to open both versions of their site in incognito and simply count to see how long it takes the site to open. Real life desktop and mobile experimentation. Can't beat it. The problem is... on Google's page speed test on, Cloudways performs A LOT worse. For the same desktop site cloudways scored a 69 on the Google speed test while my old provider got a 96, and for the same mobile site cloudways scored a 29, and my old provider a 69 (69 for mobile is actually very good compared to any and every website you can find). To give you proper perspective just scored a 56 on mobile performance on Google's page speed test, and a 69 on their desktop speed test. Amazon doesn't seem to care about optimizing their sites for Google's speed test, yet Amazon's pages open wicked fast. It has taken me two years to realize that the speed tests don't match reality at all. Not even close. I believed them like an idiot. With my old provider I would see 1.1 second desktop load times on GT Metrix and get a useless dopamine hit. I never checked the reality, where the site would sometimes take 1.1 seconds and sometimes 8 to 12 seconds to load on both desktop and mobile! the variation was unreal, and the average load time which I think once upon time was in the 3 to 4 second range has stretch to the 8 second range. DO NOT TRUST SPEED TESTS ALONE! However they are interesting for comparing the exact same website from the same location, but different locations, and for benchmarking. So I have to choose between the real customer experience or BS speed tests. I am going to go with the experience. That said I am still nervous that Google's official speed test meanst that by moving to Cloudways I will impact SEO negatively. I haven't devised a way to test whether this is the case, but plan to do so before I move all sites over. The real customer experience though is so compelling, that I am going to spend the time necessary to see if Cloudways can trick Google like it appears my other provider has. The biggest forseeable negative with Cloudways is... You lose a lot of control that you get through CPanel. For example, no more email forwarders, something I love! I also love that I can troubleshoot easily through php myadmin, and file manager when there are conflicting plugins. Soemthing I deal with a lot for WordPress. So I may just keep DNS records with a CPanel provider, and see if there is a way to get some of the functionality I like in CPanel for a minimal cost. while running the sites on Cloudways. Obviously I will lose some functionality. Last thing... Cloudways like most other providers does automatically back up sites and keep the backups for a week. If you check on your sites at least once a week, then you should be good.
See the what I like section, which has what I dislike. The jury is still out, and i could come back in and change my rating. Their support is something like I imagine hell would be like. It's hard to explain... but the only thing worse than somebody intentionally screwing you, is somebody who feels like they are being nice and say they'll help you, and then provide response after response after response after response after response after response that isn't helpful. Spending hours and literally getting nowhere.
they appeared to be solving a pain point for me, but it has been hell. They have literally kicked tha shit out of me. I'm so worn out trying to make it work because I think I can ge the best while paying less than a tenth what top tier host companies offer. So I'm partly to blame. I guess expected too much for what clouways charges.
The live chat support is helpful for the most part.
Utterly misleading pricing. You'll be charged even with cloned inactive servers (which their support doesn't disclose while cloning). You end up paying for resources you didn't ever use. The support should disclose that even inactive servers with an under-construction site hidden from the general public / search engines & no traffic being sent to it will cost $97/mo.
Tried Cloudways Cloud hosting. Back to dedicated.
Fast servers, only slow when your hit with bots. They have some features to overcome this, but I had to use Cloudflare and purchase more CPU/memory to overcome slow issues caused by bots
Cloudways had the most inexperienced Support I've seen out of 4-5 different hosting companies i used, most staff are like interns...they have no idea and just push you to help docs or blame your software for issues...and I think they want you to purchase one of the support plans... also, you don't have direct access to the server either so you can't make changes yourself Also Even though I've cancelled my hosting they're still billing my credit card and because I've cancelled my account i cant log in to lodge a support ticket to billing...seriously what's wrong with these companies
It benefited me with some speed compared to Cpanel on knownhost, however I've cancelled and gone directly to for much better control, and cheaper servers. use free Gridpane or free Plesk to manage your own server, easy to do
I am so sorry, but I liked Nothing about cloudways.
- Spam mails from them ( and different email addresses ) - Price is too high - No need to use cloudways to use GCP, VULTR, etc