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Skillshare Bewertungen und Produktdetails

Skillshare Übersicht
Was ist Skillshare?

Skillshare ist ein Online-Kursanbieter und eine Bildungsplattform. Bis heute bietet die Online-Lerngemeinschaft Tausende von Kursen an, die speziell für Kreative entwickelt wurden. Die Kurse reichen von Themen wie Illustration, Design, Fotografie, Video, Freiberuflichkeit und mehr. Auf Skillsharekommen Mitglieder zusammen, um sich inspirieren zu lassen und den nächsten Schritt auf ihrer kreativen Reise zu gehen.

Unternehmen Skillshare, Inc.
Gründungsjahr 2010
Firmengröße 51-200 Mitarbeiter
Hauptsitz New York, NY, Vereinigte Staaten
Soziale Medien
Skillshare Kategorien an Findstack
Crevio Logo
$ 29.00 / Monat
Crevio ist eine Plattform für Entwickler zum Verkauf digitaler Produkte, Dienste, Kurse und Zugriff auf andere Drittanbieter. Erfahren Sie mehr über Crevio
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Was sind die Vor- und Nachteile von Skillshare?
Skillshare Produktdetails
Mittlerer Markt
Einsatz Cloud / SaaS / Webbasiert, mobiles Android, mobiles iPad, mobiles iPhone
Unterstützung 24/7 (Live-Repräsentant), Chat, E-Mail/Helpdesk, FAQs/Forum, Wissensdatenbank, Telefonsupport
Trainings Dokumentation
Sprachen Englisch
Skillshare Vor-und Nachteile
  • Enthält eine Vielzahl von Inhalten über Ihre Interessen, die Sie auf gute Weise beschäftigen werden.
  • Bietet verschiedene kostenlose Testversionen für Premium-Kurse an, mit denen Sie entscheiden können, ob Sie sich anmelden möchten oder nicht.
  • Das Fehlen von Untertiteln in einigen Kursen macht einige davon unzugänglich.
  • Bietet keine Zertifizierung nach Abschluss des Kurses an, was für einige ein Deal-Breaker ist.
Skillshare AnzeigenPreise
Skillshare Eigenschaften
Bewertungen & Quiz
Collaboration Tools
Anpassbare Vorlagen
Digitales Whiteboard
Integrierter E-Commerce
Learning Management System (LMS)
Mobile Access
Mehrsprachige Unterstützung
Benachrichtigungen und Warnungen
Berichte & Analysen
Sicherer Datenspeicher
Einmaliges Anmelden (SSO)
Integrationen von Drittanbietern
Video Conferencing
Virtueller Klassenraum
Skillshare Medien
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Unsere Forschung basiert auf verschiedenen maßgeblichen Quellen und soll allgemeine Ratschläge geben. Wir garantieren nicht, dass unsere Vorschläge für jeden Anwendungsfall am besten funktionieren. Berücksichtigen Sie daher bei der Auswahl von Produkten und Dienstleistungen Ihre individuellen Bedürfnisse. Teilen Sie uns gerne mit Feedback.
Letzte Aktualisierung: Februar 10, 2025
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40 Skillshare Rezensionen
3.6 von 5
Kleinunternehmen (50 oder weniger Mitarbeiter)
Jan 15, 2022
Swopon K. Avatar
Swopon K.
„Lernen Sie weiter und entwickeln Sie Ihre Fähigkeiten weiter Skillshare"
Was gefällt dir am besten? Skillshare?

The best thing is I can enroll in all the courses after subscription. That makes me free from buying the courses individually. I love its interactive courses for learning graphic design and going freelance. My homepage always comes with courses related to my interests. Also, their 60 days trial is really appreciable. However, it's a library of various types of courses that can take my skills to the next level.

Was gefällt Ihnen nicht? Skillshare?

I have no complaint against Skillshare's services. I'm really happy with whatever they're offering.

Welche Probleme gibt es Skillshare Lösung und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

As a freelance graphic designer, I always need to update my design skills and Skillshare is providing a lot of tutorials that are really essential to sustain in the graphic design field. Also, it gives me a listing feature and I can simply look over my learning summary.

Mittleres Marktsegment (51–1000 Mitarbeiter)
23. Juni 2020
Allison D.
„Tolle Plattform für Lifestyle-Lernen“
Was gefällt dir am besten? Skillshare?

There are SO many different courses, with a variety of teachers. Each has video content, with actionable items (usually a project) for you to implement immediately what you learned. There is a class discussion board to interact and ask questions, as well as the ability to see other projects and get additional ideas. You can also save courses and create lists of courses so you can have a working list of courses to engage in for your interests. It also keeps track of the courses you are currently watching so you can jump right back in. There are a variety of lengths to the courses as well, so you can choose how intensely you want to dive into a course at any particular moment. You are also able to "follow" different instructors, and see immediately what other courses they offer. You are also given recommendations to similar courses of interst.

Was gefällt Ihnen nicht? Skillshare?

The only downside is that the mobile app doesn't allow you to see the resources. You must be on a computer to access these items. Also, on the mobile device you cannot make different lists, but it does appear as though you can create multiple lists of courses through the desktop version. One way to get around this is to open a browser on your mobile device to visit the desktop site, but this is not nearly as convenient as having everything accessible through the app.

Welche Probleme gibt es Skillshare Lösung und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

Skillshare is particularly beneficial for enhancing aspects of your lifestyle, for example, productivity, motivation, and hobbies (e.g. watercoloring, music, drawing). I have been able to become more productive with my time, manage emails more efficiently, as well as enhance my artistic skills.

Kleinunternehmen (50 oder weniger Mitarbeiter)
21. April 2020
Paige R. Avatar
Paige R.
Freiberuflicher Autor/Texter
„Sie bekommen zurück, was Sie investiert haben“
Was gefällt dir am besten? Skillshare?

I love the fact that Skillshare has so many opportunities to learn new skills and develop your current ones. There is literally something for everyone from how to draw to how to apply makeup and how to use marketing for social media or your business! I highly recommend trying the 2-month free trial and I promise you'll fall in love! I didn't believe the hype until I tried it and from there I was hooked! At the time my trial was up I couldn't afford it so I didn't purchase it, but for the next 6 months, it was still on my mind so when I got the money of course I invested and am so glad I did! The teachers' steps are always easy to follow and take notes on and the tips aren't generic. Let's say you look at 3 videos on how to start a blog. They might have the same underlying agenda, but you come away with 3 completely new and fresh ideas of how to approach the same thing. That makes it easy to figure out what kind of techniques will work best for you instead of high-level generic information that really doesn't help anybody.

Was gefällt Ihnen nicht? Skillshare?

I honestly have nothing I dislike so far. The process to reactivate my account was pretty easy with minor hiccups. The link to reset my password after reactivation didn't work, but they were able to go in and manually fix it and after that, I've had no trouble at all!

Welche Probleme gibt es Skillshare Lösung und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

I'm working on a variety of things. Mostly I'm working on my writing and blogging and then my social media marketing. I've learned so many good tips about how to make my writing better by using Google Analytics and how to structure my writing. I've also learned how to make an effective content calendar and how to balance writing on topics I like and my readers will like. I never thought to create a survey and add an area where readers can give me their email address so they can sign up for my newsletter. It actually worked and now I have a good survey making platform to use! For social media, I realized that the presentation is so, so, so important. I've learned how to elevate my photography game with different apps and photography techniques that I never would've thought of with my DSLR and iPhone. It can be challenging to implement at times, but the more I do it, the easier it's getting and I have the great teachers on skillshare to thank for that. Following their idea to look at Instagram analytics of the best time to post has helped a ton too! I'm getting more reach and people are exiting off less because I'm providing quality content and a pleasing aesthetic. I never knew how to use all of the analytics to my advantage, but with a couple of easy steps, I'm reading them like a pro and making good use of them! Who knew that being analytical can actually help you get more creative!

Kleinunternehmen (50 oder weniger Mitarbeiter)
28. Oktober 2019
Eduardo D. Avatar
Eduardo D.
„Ausgezeichnete Internet-Hochschule“
Was gefällt dir am besten? Skillshare?

The best part of skillshare is that you can select the place and time to start learning the courses they have. It's a big web of information where you can study and grow your skills, depending in what you're good, but there they have so many topics to choose, and you can have a free 2 weeks trial

Was gefällt Ihnen nicht? Skillshare?

Sometimes you have to try a list of videos in order to see what you can use and what you don't need or don't want to watch. It's information from all the people, but you need to filter it.

Welche Probleme gibt es Skillshare Lösung und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

I don't have time to study, I'm working on a shop the entire week and need money to pay an institute. With Skillshare, I can study when I'm home.

Mittleres Marktsegment (51–1000 Mitarbeiter)
06. September 2019
Hayley K.
"Immer lernen"
Was gefällt dir am besten? Skillshare?

I love how easy it is to find a course of what you're looking for, and the ease of reading others' reviews. A lot of well informed instructors sharing their valuable insights, and they earn something for their work. I appreciate this platform so much!

Was gefällt Ihnen nicht? Skillshare?

There are occasionally under qualified instructors, or classes that are not top notch, but those are few and far between. I do judge a course by it's cover imagery, but some of those courses with the not so great cover art are the most helpful.

Welche Probleme gibt es Skillshare Lösung und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

I'm able to study and brush up on things before taking exams to earn my various industry certifications, those certifications helped me land my current job.

Kleinunternehmen (50 oder weniger Mitarbeiter)
22. Juli 2019
SEC Social Media S. Avatar
Sec Social Media S.
Social Media Manager
„Leistungsstarke Ressource zum Erlernen neuer Fähigkeiten“
Was gefällt dir am besten? Skillshare?

I am so glad that my friend told me that this platform existed. I was looking for a way to improve my video and graphic design skills without investing a lot of money in the class. Really talented people from different industries have created content for this site, so you can learn everything from new cooking skills to how to process data.

Was gefällt Ihnen nicht? Skillshare?

I wish there was a way to rate the courses and see how highly rated they are, as some classes are amazing and others are more basic and not as interesting.

Welche Probleme gibt es Skillshare Lösung und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

I have improved my skillset for social media management, learned new video editing skills and found out about new apps that help me with my work.

Kleinunternehmen (50 oder weniger Mitarbeiter)
25. März 2019
SocialXpand C. Avatar
Social Xpand C.
„Tolle Online-Plattform“
Was gefällt dir am besten? Skillshare?

Skillshare is providing opportunities for online learning. This is the best way for online education to help me & all students. one of the best way to learn more & more skill by Skillshare. Skillshare has classes on all types of topics, but my favorites are the design ones. I also enjoy ... Here are some of the classes that I have liked the best.

Was gefällt Ihnen nicht? Skillshare?

There is nothing bad in skillshare everything is perfect. Such as great one online platform to learn & explore those things.

Welche Probleme gibt es Skillshare Lösung und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

I am searching for a design course after that I have learned how to create gif animation by Skillshare. Skillshare's Users Are Solving the Company's Problems ... sharing, giving, teaching users may end up solving some difficult problems for you.

Kleinunternehmen (50 oder weniger Mitarbeiter)
Jan 04, 2018
Michaela P.
„Tolle Website, um alles zu lernen!“
Was gefällt dir am besten? Skillshare?

I love Skillshare for it's variety of classes they offer. You can learn anything from knitting, to cooking, writing, logo design, analytics, photography, and so on. The platform has thousands of classes on any topic you can think of. The classes are taught by business owners, freelancers, and people loving what they teach about which is a nice change when you compare it to classes at your school where some teachers seem like they don't really care about the topic they teach.

Was gefällt Ihnen nicht? Skillshare?

I'd like to see the bad classes removed, but there are not too many of these. Most people make quite good classes. I'd say that most of them are even above average. You can't really go wrong for the money you pay.

Welche Probleme gibt es Skillshare Lösung und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

Skillshare is a platform that provides very inexpensive education. The classes are usually short and you learn specific skills. Every class should include a project where you immediately put your new skills to work. You can get feedback from your classmates and the teacher as well. You can even win prizes sometimes. It's a great community that offers help from others in addition to the skills you learn by watching the videos.

Kleinunternehmen (50 oder weniger Mitarbeiter)
04. Dezember 2016
Amanda D. Avatar
Amanda D.
„Ein großartiges Werkzeug zur Selbsterziehung!“
Was gefällt dir am besten? Skillshare?

There is SUCH a wide array of skills and topics covered in some form or another. And the team does a great job of maintaining high-quality content from the instructors and their presentations. I also really like the class suggestions - I've found many that I'm very interested in simply because they've been suggested based on my interests. Awesome!

Was gefällt Ihnen nicht? Skillshare?

I have not yet come across anything that I do not like yet. I guess I'd like to see more in-person classes/workshops in the Denver area.

Welche Probleme gibt es Skillshare Lösung und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

The need for continued education in this digital age is tremendous. Skillshare makes it easy to learn new skills by providing classes and workshops in an on-demand setting for busy professionals.

Kleinunternehmen (50 oder weniger Mitarbeiter)
11. Mai 2016
Michael A. Avatar
Michael A.
Grafikdesign | Illustrationen | Markenidentität
„Viele tolle Ideen“
Was gefällt dir am besten? Skillshare?

I love the multiple different categories and options for learning new skills, refreshing old ones, trying different challenges, and the student project galleries. Whenever I'm just looking for a new idea or a fresh take on an old one, skillshare is definitely one of the stops that I take to get the creative juices flowing.

Was gefällt Ihnen nicht? Skillshare?

I would like more options for advance/expert level tutorials and workshops, as well as more ... just many many more classes. In the design world there are always the "basic" tutorials out there but skillshare has really proven itself in finding either new tutorials or new ways to present older information.

Welche Probleme gibt es Skillshare Lösung und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

I primarily use skillshare to spark a different take toward a new project and sometimes often find answers to questions that I didn't even know that I had. Some of the classes are a bit basic when it comes to design but the more advanced stuff is definitely worth the time and effort.

Kleinunternehmen (50 oder weniger Mitarbeiter)
03. Mai 2016
Amber E.
„Ich nutze diese Kurse für Wachstumsmarketing, zufällige DIY-Projekte sowie Kunst- und Schreibkurse.“
Was gefällt dir am besten? Skillshare?

The diversity of courses offered. You can find something about anything. You can also play the classes at 2x speed so you can take an hour long class is 30 minutes which can be super helpful if it is something you just want to get the bullet points from.

Was gefällt Ihnen nicht? Skillshare?

I don't like that you have to enroll in the course to see all of the videos. Some of the teachers are not legitimate, and you can mostly sort through that with the reviews, but its nice to not have to enroll in a course to find out.

Welche Probleme gibt es Skillshare Lösung und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

I have learned a lot about growth, especially in terms of social media. What kind of content to share and how to manage it.

Mittleres Marktsegment (51–1000 Mitarbeiter)
Jan 25, 2022
Nishit C.
Senior Software Engineer
„E-Learning mit kurzer Länge und auf den Punkt gebrachter Kurs“
Was gefällt dir am besten? Skillshare?

1. Short courses with to the point content 2. Subscription-based platform, can access all the courses at once 3. We can create our own courses into the platform 4. Taking notes is a really easy feature

Was gefällt Ihnen nicht? Skillshare?

1. Quality of courses are not so great and 2. Courses are generally created by some non-experts 3. Not so great community which shares their work or skills 4. Don't cover wide areas of skills and knowledge

Welche Probleme gibt es Skillshare Lösung und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

1. Cover larger domains of skills and knowledge 2. Community is not great. Need to work on that. 3. A lot of courses are literally very short to provide relevant knowledge

Kleinunternehmen (50 oder weniger Mitarbeiter)
Jan 21, 2022
Krittika M. Avatar
Krittika M.
Gründer und Chief Creative Officer
"Absolut lieben Skillshare, für Designer auf jeden Fall empfehlenswert!“
Was gefällt dir am besten? Skillshare?

- The variety and quality of classes available - The structure of classes, easy to follow through - Website UI/UX - The way they support teachers + payment systems - Suscription Plan

Was gefällt Ihnen nicht? Skillshare?

- The mobile/Ipad app doesn't support certain features like class projects. - They're very particular about bugs, I've accidentally had my account reported and occasionally my skillshare account disappears.

Welche Probleme gibt es Skillshare Lösung und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

- When I was starting out as a designer, I picked up all software skills through Skillshare. - Excellent website to understand how top designers are working and what they're doing.

Mittleres Marktsegment (51–1000 Mitarbeiter)
24. April 2022
Aditi M. Avatar
Aditi M.
Sde 3
„Gute Inhalte für Grafikdesigner, Maler und Künstler“
Was gefällt dir am besten? Skillshare?

The platform is focused more on the creative industry and self-help domain. Graphic designers, painters, and lifestyle artists will find the platform really helpful.

Was gefällt Ihnen nicht? Skillshare?

The platform doesn't have any quality content for the technical domain. Also, any particular course doesn't cover the full length and breadth of the topic. Short-length course leads to fragmented learning.

Welche Probleme gibt es Skillshare Lösung und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

If you want to explore a different domain and don't have too much time to invest, Skillshare is the platform for you. It covers a large number of domains with short-length courses.

Kleinunternehmen (50 oder weniger Mitarbeiter)
07. Dezember 2017
Stephanie N.
„Lernen mit Skillshare"
Was gefällt dir am besten? Skillshare?

I like the price and many of the courses

Was gefällt Ihnen nicht? Skillshare?

More free courses should be available on.

Welche Probleme gibt es Skillshare Lösung und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

Skillshare gives you access to many courses at a great price. I also like that skillshare also gives professionals or experts the option of making money off there own course. I also like the price and the video formats because it's easy to use.

Kleinunternehmen (50 oder weniger Mitarbeiter)
07. Oktober 2016
Anand C. Avatar
Anand C.
„Einfach zu bedienende Lernplattform“
Was gefällt dir am besten? Skillshare?

I've enrolled in multiple classes on Skillshare and I've found the platform pretty easy to use and reliable. I was also able to communicate with the instructors via the platform, which is a plus.

Was gefällt Ihnen nicht? Skillshare?

I don't see a way to communicate with other students who have taken the same classes that I have. That would have been useful.

Welche Probleme gibt es Skillshare Lösung und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

The business problem this platform solves is the need for continuous learning and improvement. All of our team members, senior leadership included, need to learn new skills every few months. The main benefit of Skillshare is that it provides this continuous improvement/learning in bite-sized chunks of 15 minutes each.

Kleinunternehmen (50 oder weniger Mitarbeiter)
Jan 06, 2022
Chase L.
„Riesige Unterrichtsvielfalt zu unterschiedlichen Themen mit effektiven Demonstrationen“
Was gefällt dir am besten? Skillshare?

I have used other online learning services like Masterclass in the past. Those can be entertaining since they are hosted by celebrities, but they can edge towards philosophical and storytelling rather than hands-on demonstrations. Skillshare's classes tend to be more demonstrative in nature and I think I have gotten more value out of them.

Was gefällt Ihnen nicht? Skillshare?

The quality in Skillshare courses can vary. Most are very good, but sometimes you have to sift through a couple of courses on the same topic to find one that is a good fit and actually teaches what you are hoping to learn. As a result, sometimes combing through the catalog can get a little tedious.

Welche Probleme gibt es Skillshare Lösung und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

As a freelance photographer, I have used Skillshare to level up my skills in all aspects of my business. This includes the creative aspects of photography like lighting, technique, etc., but also the business aspects of building a portfolio, how to negotiate with clients.

Mittleres Marktsegment (51–1000 Mitarbeiter)
Jan 11, 2016
Melissa D.
Redakteur/Koordinator für Learning Services
„Begrenzte Nutzung / Ziemlich hilfreich“
Was gefällt dir am besten? Skillshare?

Affordable and easy to use with a wide variety of topics.

Was gefällt Ihnen nicht? Skillshare?

Not as in-depth as you can get with training you pay more for... which makes sense.

Welche Probleme gibt es Skillshare Lösung und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

Trying to learn to use the InDesign tool. It's not very intuitive for me since I've always been a Microsoft Office user rather than an Adobe suite user. The course I took gave a good high-level overview, which I then used as the basis for more in-depth training later.

Kleinunternehmen (50 oder weniger Mitarbeiter)
17. April 2017
Joseph D.
Marketing Mitarbeiterin
„Descent Leanring Platform“
Was gefällt dir am besten? Skillshare?

There are some interesting classes in a variety of different areas.

Was gefällt Ihnen nicht? Skillshare?

I had a problematic charge dispute with the company. Fortunately I was given a full refund thanks to the customer service at SkillShare. Make sure you follow up with the company if you feel as though you were charged unfairly.

Welche Probleme gibt es Skillshare Lösung und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

It allows for a bit of crowd-sourced education in a number of areas, with some good classes here and there.

Kleinunternehmen (50 oder weniger Mitarbeiter)
20. Februar 2022
Rishav R. Avatar
Rishav R.
„Hilfreich, aber verbesserungswürdig!“
Was gefällt dir am besten? Skillshare?

For years we needed a proper platform for the beginners and new creators to learn skills useful for their career and profession. I grew up in a country where education system don't let you explore your true intrests and talents, and focus majorly on learning old methods which could get you in a job to secure life. but many people today including me want to learn what they truly want and enjoy their life while earning good. And thats why someothing like skill share is doing great job in helping people find their true talents and push their limit by educating them what truly matters.

Was gefällt Ihnen nicht? Skillshare?

If there was only skillshare doing the job it does, there wouldn't have been a dislike, but there are many similar applications and there is Youtube, the biggest and most challenging competition of skillshare and likewise applications, which teaches everything for free, is in way better quality, have a community of millions and is up to date in every tutorial you need. Taking about cons of skills share here are few: 1. Lack of certification to prove the complete learning. (Not necessary but can be provided) 2. Annoying ads popping up now and then. 3. Tutorials of many software are not up to date. 4. Poor video quality

Welche Probleme gibt es Skillshare Lösung und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

I am a self-learned graphic designer and use over 10+ apps for my professional projects and artworks. , Most of them I learned from youtube, which never disappointed me. Everything I needed was right there at one click of a button, though the problem was everything seemed scattered. All bits and pieces of information were here and there. I heard the name of skillshare in early 2020 by their youtube ads focusing on artists and designers, and I thought, let's give it a try! why not? Maybe i will find something helpful, and I was right. Everything was great, brilliant teachers, great set of courses, affordable prices, and even free trials. But nothing was amazing, it was good but not mind-blowing. I was solving all these problems already with Youtube. The only benefit was that it was organized and separate.

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