Optimierte Arbeitsmanagementlösung
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Smartsheet-Rezensionen und Produktdetails

Was ist Smartsheet?

Smartsheet ist eine moderne Arbeitsmanagement-Software, die stolz darauf ist, von über 90 % der Fortune-100-Unternehmen als vertrauenswürdige Arbeitsverwaltungsplattform genutzt zu werden, die es Unternehmen ermöglicht, Projekte zu verwalten, Prozesse und Arbeitsabläufe zu automatisieren und auf Portfolios und Programme auf Unternehmensebene zu skalieren. Es bietet einen robusten Satz von Ansichten, Dashboards, Berichten und Workflows, um Projektpläne, Zeitpläne und Ressourcen zu verfolgen und zu erfassen. Smartsheet lässt sich problemlos in eine Reihe von Apps und Software von Drittanbietern integrieren, damit Teams die Plattform in ihre aktuelle Arbeitsweise integrieren können. Es ist eine der sichersten Arbeitsverwaltungssoftware auf dem Markt und bietet Managern und IT-Teams Transparenz und granulare Kontrolle über Daten und Zugriff.

Unternehmen Smartsheet Inc.
Gründungsjahr 2006
Firmengröße 1001-5000 Mitarbeiter
Hauptsitz Bellevue, Washington, USA
Soziale Medien
Verwaltet von:
Colorado SpringsSEO
SEO für Colorado Springs
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$ 29.00 / Monat
Crevio ist eine Plattform für Entwickler zum Verkauf digitaler Produkte, Dienste, Kurse und Zugriff auf andere Drittanbieter. Erfahren Sie mehr über Crevio
Stellen Sie Fragen zu Smartsheet
Wofür eignet sich Smartsheet am besten?
Wie schneidet Smartsheet im Vergleich zu Asana ab?
Was sind die Vor- und Nachteile von Smartsheet?
Mittlerer Markt
Einsatz Cloud / SaaS / Webbasiert, mobiles Android, mobiles iPad, mobiles iPhone
Unterstützung 24/7 (Live-Repräsentant), Chat, E-Mail/Helpdesk, FAQs/Forum, Wissensdatenbank, Telefonsupport
Ausbildung Dokumentation
Sprachen Englisch
Vor- und Nachteile von Smartsheet
  • Datengesteuerte Automatisierung für effizientere Arbeitsabläufe
  • Leicht anpassbare Plattform
  • Eine hochgradig visuelle Lösung erleichtert die Aufgabenverfolgung
  • Funktionen zur Verwaltung kritischer Aufgaben tragen dazu bei, die Produktivität in großem Maßstab zu steigern
  • Zuverlässige Automatisierung kritischer Geschäftsprozesse für Teams und Projekte
  • Keine Zeiterfassungsfunktion
  • Bietet keine automatische Speicheroption
  • Eingeschränkte Kalenderansicht
  • Keine Zeiterfassungsfunktion
Findstack Generalabzeichen 2024
Unterstützung für agile Methoden
Collaboration Tools
Anpassbare Dashboards
File Sharing
Integration mit Apps von Drittanbietern
Issue Tracking
Mobile Access
Benachrichtigungen und Warnungen
Reporting und Analytik
Rollenbasierte Zugriffssteuerung
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Zuletzt aktualisiert: December 03, 2024
14,385 Smartsheet Rezensionen
4.4 von 5
Kleinunternehmen (50 oder weniger Mitarbeiter)
23. Februar 2023
Roberto G.
„Sehr einfach zu überwachen“
Was gefällt Ihnen an Smartsheet am besten?

It makes it a lot easier to monitor work progress and accomplishment.

Was gefällt Ihnen an Smartsheet nicht?

None so far. As a user, most of the features are very helpful and user-friendly.

Welche Probleme löst Smartsheet und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

Outage and project work schedules are easy to monitor and give you advanced ideas for follow-up.

Mittleres Marktsegment (51–1000 Mitarbeiter)
23. Februar 2023
Aaron C.
„Einfach für einen Amateur“
Was gefällt Ihnen an Smartsheet am besten?

I primarily use Smartsheet as a log/project management system. In a single project there are a handful of reviews and deliveries that need to be made. I like that I can automate emails to be sent when a project makes hits different benchmarks. I also like that comments can be left on each line.

Was gefällt Ihnen an Smartsheet nicht?

Smartsheet is a powerful tool. I only use it for my simple tasks. I'm sure if I spent more time in the learning courses that learn smartsheet more in depth.

Welche Probleme löst Smartsheet und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

I use it as a log to mark incoming shoots and manage the post-production processes and delivery.

Unternehmen (> 1000 MA)
23. Februar 2023
Tracie J.
„Sehr intuitiv und einfach zu bedienen.“
Was gefällt Ihnen an Smartsheet am besten?

The built-in functions and ability to set up reports and templates using existing designs. Also, the ability to use APIs to tap into data is beneficial.

Was gefällt Ihnen an Smartsheet nicht?

Wish there were features where workflow processes could replicate the creation of new sheets based on rules/logic.

Welche Probleme löst Smartsheet und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

Increases the transparency of work and tasks assigned to our teams. Allows us to cross-collaborate for projects, intakes (forms) and misc needs.

Mittleres Marktsegment (51–1000 Mitarbeiter)
23. Februar 2023
Liz D. Avatar
Liz D.
Analyst für Marketing- und Geschäftssysteme
„Weniger komplizierte und sicherere Cloud-basierte Tabellenkalkulationen“
Was gefällt Ihnen an Smartsheet am besten?

Managing projects with specific tasks and deadlines are made easier with spreadsheets. However, sharing and keeping spreadsheets up to date is the challenging part. Smartsheet provides different views to suit the various projects that must be complete on time. Being able to set reminders in the sheet for a line item is especially helpful in keeping the workflow moving forward. The security is very good with the sheets to prevent unauthorized access or changes.

Was gefällt Ihnen an Smartsheet nicht?

I wish all the features were free! We have a paid version.

Welche Probleme löst Smartsheet und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

When we have a specific project at our company with "SMART" goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound), SmartSheet helps keep our team on track.

Kleinunternehmen (50 oder weniger Mitarbeiter)
23. Februar 2023
Jerry S.
„Verwalten Sie Ihr Unternehmen intelligent“
Was gefällt Ihnen an Smartsheet am besten?

The reporting and dashboards, plus notifications via email. Everything can flow thru Smartsheets for a one stop for all your processes. Nobody does it easier or more intuitivly.

Was gefällt Ihnen an Smartsheet nicht?

Wish that formulas were easier to edit. Have a window at top like excel

Welche Probleme löst Smartsheet und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

We are looking for one truth the master data for tracking all my projects and I can do weekly, monthly annual meterics, get approvals from Leadership, set up to do's that once cleared notify next stakeholder.

Mittleres Marktsegment (51–1000 Mitarbeiter)
23. Februar 2023
Amy W.-Avatar
Amy W.
Leiter des Assistenten des Händlers
„Ein großartiges Tool, um die Zusammenarbeit mit Kollegen zu vereinfachen“
Was gefällt Ihnen an Smartsheet am besten?

I like that multiple users can see real-time updates to each dashboard and smarthsheet. We have multiple sheets that we use many times on a daily basis. It is very convenient.

Was gefällt Ihnen an Smartsheet nicht?

I only wish that it automatically updated when you typed in a cell. Sometimes there are multiple people working in one sheet all at the same time and we have typed over each other.

Welche Probleme löst Smartsheet und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

We used to use Excel spreadsheets to keep information updated and then would have to be shared with coworkers for them to see updates. We no longer have to do that thanks to smartsheet.

Mittleres Marktsegment (51–1000 Mitarbeiter)
23. Februar 2023
Tiris T.
„Häufiger Benutzer von Smartsheet und ich liebe es!“
Was gefällt Ihnen an Smartsheet am besten?

I love how easy Smartsheet makes my life. The conditional formatting is great to reduce the amount of formatting I do but I personally love the Automation ability. It allows me to greatly reduce my workload by automating emails I would have had to filter for them email individually myself. I have created so many Smartsheets for in my Studio Administrator role but also in my Project Coordinator role. Both clients and consultants alike use it as well which is a great testament to it's power.

Was gefällt Ihnen an Smartsheet nicht?

I wish we had the ability to edit the format of the Column Titles. It would also be helpful to remove the Title character limit. Something like Tabs in Excel would be a great addition as well.

Welche Probleme löst Smartsheet und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

Smartsheet helps me be much more efficient which is helpful when you have too much work and too little time as many people experience. It has also helped me stay organized in situations where I would have been lost otherwise. Smartsheet is always my go-to tool.

Mittleres Marktsegment (51–1000 Mitarbeiter)
23. Februar 2023
Douglas M.
„Es ist intuitiv und einfach“
Was gefällt Ihnen an Smartsheet am besten?

It is easy to fill out a form and submit it. It's clear what is needed and anyone can learn to use this fairly quickly. It functions well and it saves a lot of time.

Was gefällt Ihnen an Smartsheet nicht?

I'm having a hard time thinking of anything I dislike. It's easy to use and works well. I have no complaints.

Welche Probleme löst Smartsheet und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

Smartsheet creates a seamless link between our function in customer service and logistics and the lab which is responsible for putting together and shipping sample requests. It makes things happen much quicker.

Mittleres Marktsegment (51–1000 Mitarbeiter)
23. Februar 2023
Ali A.
„Excel leicht gemacht“
Was gefällt Ihnen an Smartsheet am besten?

Using the feature to link cells from other sheets.

Was gefällt Ihnen an Smartsheet nicht?

Automated workflows to receive approvals does not allow you to send 3 approvals simultaneously from the same workflow. I understand you can duplicate the workflow so it sends at the same time, but it is super cumbersome when I need to make edits to the workflow. I would also like to be able to make dark vertical lines across my sheet to differential between sections.

Welche Probleme löst Smartsheet und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

Automating sending emails to different users and tracking due dates.

Mittleres Marktsegment (51–1000 Mitarbeiter)
23. Februar 2023
Lisa M. Avatar
Lisa M.
Projektmanager Strategische Programme, Enterprise Pmo
„Effiziente Möglichkeit zur Verwaltung von Projektaufgaben sowie einfache Berichte und Dashboards.“
Was gefällt Ihnen an Smartsheet am besten?

I like using smartsheet for collaboration and project managing. I use it to report and create dashboards too.

Was gefällt Ihnen an Smartsheet nicht?

I wish Smartsheet can connect data query feeds with live data.

Welche Probleme löst Smartsheet und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

Smartsheeet keeps project team on track. Easy to find attached proof document. Provides stats when needed. Can create itemized reporting on specific topics. Transparency as well.

Mittleres Marktsegment (51–1000 Mitarbeiter)
23. Februar 2023
Carlo S.
„Smartsheet ist cool“
Was gefällt Ihnen an Smartsheet am besten?

- easy company adoption --- we had previously used several PM apps. This in turn segragated teams more within our company. - easy to integrate with third party apps - SSO integration with our IDP is a pre-built

Was gefällt Ihnen an Smartsheet nicht?

To be honest, my current usage has been very minimal. Most of my exposure has been limited to basic project tracking, base integrations, and IDP/ SSO deployment.

Welche Probleme löst Smartsheet und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

The team now leverages a single sheet to track projects for better visibility. That same sheet is able to provide granular details on the projects, and high-level overviews for leadership.

Unternehmen (> 1000 MA)
23. Februar 2023
Alex B.
„Smartsheets ist ein Tool, das sehr gut mit Organisationen zusammenarbeitet, die Dokumente teilen.“
Was gefällt Ihnen an Smartsheet am besten?

The ability to restrict user access to maintain the integrity of the document.

Was gefällt Ihnen an Smartsheet nicht?

I do no like the way the formulas behave or are created. It is more difficult to set up then excel.

Welche Probleme löst Smartsheet und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

Smartsheet reduces email traffic to and from customer.

Unternehmen (> 1000 MA)
23. Februar 2023
Cole R.
„Eine praktische Software, die einfach zu bedienen ist und über mehrere Funktionen verfügt“
Was gefällt Ihnen an Smartsheet am besten?

I love how easy it is just to create sheets and have other users modify them. The functionality is much less intimidating for users who are unfamiliar with Smartsheet and how it functions.

Was gefällt Ihnen an Smartsheet nicht?

The only issue might be licensing, meaning not everyone can create a sheet. But this is more of a business application, so licensing users makes sense. Ultimately, there really isn't anything that I dislike about Smartsheet.

Welche Probleme löst Smartsheet und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

Smartsheet allows us to create organized documentation of various work projects and track productivity easily. The business performance has improved due to using Smartsheet for different tasks. Microsoft Excel is a tool often used and compared to Smartsheet. Many novice users find Excel intimidating but find that Smartsheet can quickly provide them with what they need to manage.

Mittleres Marktsegment (51–1000 Mitarbeiter)
23. Februar 2023
Beth O. Avatar
Beth O.
„Beeindruckendes System für Großprojekte“
Was gefällt Ihnen an Smartsheet am besten?

The volume of datasets we were able to enter (claims) was truly impressive. The sheet did max out at a certain point where it became sluggish, (about 52,000 cells doing complex workflows) but it was easy enough to create a new sheet to carry on where the last one left off.

Was gefällt Ihnen an Smartsheet nicht?

Automated emails that were generated by workflows were not trackable and sometimes seemed to not reach their destination. Because they were not trackable it was impossible to know for sure.

Welche Probleme löst Smartsheet und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

We needed a system that would collect data for claims submission and allow us to process and communicate with claimants. This was accomplished by Smartsheet impressively.

Unternehmen (> 1000 MA)
22. Februar 2023
Jay T. Avatar
Jay T.
Vertrauens- und Sicherheitsanalyst
„Leistungsstarke Alternative zu Google Sheets“
Was gefällt Ihnen an Smartsheet am besten?

smart sheet features that include tools for automating task flows and actively collaborating are some of the championed features. Smartsheet also has reminder features that help to get a hands-on the pending workflows

Was gefällt Ihnen an Smartsheet nicht?

Not anything specific, but the constant need to save a change made to the sheet could be frustrating at times. I have encountered multiple instances where I lose important changes due to this.

Welche Probleme löst Smartsheet und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

Delegating and actively monitoring a project's progress is easier using Smartsheet. Automated reminders of the changes made and new fields added also helps be on top of things.

Unternehmen (> 1000 MA)
22. Februar 2023
Ashley R. P. Avatar
Ashley R.
"Verbesserte Effizienz"
Was gefällt Ihnen an Smartsheet am besten?

I love that everything is in one place. I can tailor the dashboards and reports to my linking and change when needed. I love being able to see all projects and their current status.

Was gefällt Ihnen an Smartsheet nicht?

There are some basic things that it should and doesn't do. It's so much like excel, but some functions are gone.

Welche Probleme löst Smartsheet und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

keeping everything in one place is the best part. We have also been using the forms for anything company-wide, which has been an enormous help.

Unternehmen (> 1000 MA)
22. Februar 2023
Molly K.
„Ein benutzerfreundliches Tool mit endlosen Möglichkeiten“
Was gefällt Ihnen an Smartsheet am besten?

I love using the conditional formatting and the workflows. I set workflows to remind myself and other people of work and this takes a lot of manual work off of my plate. SS is also really pretty and simple to look at.

Was gefällt Ihnen an Smartsheet nicht?

I wish you could hide rows. This would really help with project management. When an item is complete on a project plan, we want to be able to hide it for archive purposes.. but there is no good way to do this. I also wish you could link comments between sheets. This would help us get all of the info from source sheets to destination sheets. People who are less savvy with SS may make a comment in a source sheet as a 'safe' way to notate something..but then it cannot get transfered to a destination sheet.

Welche Probleme löst Smartsheet und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

We use SS to request updates from stakeholders on ongoing projects. We keep them accountable by using workflows for automated reminders and custom reminders ( e.g. if update cell is blank, then send ANOTHER email reminder). We also use automation to autolock and auto-unlock rows so that we can control input during work sprints. Smartsheet gives our top leadership a good view on who is behind on which projects.

Mittleres Marktsegment (51–1000 Mitarbeiter)
22. Februar 2023
Brooke M.
Was gefällt Ihnen an Smartsheet am besten?

Smartsheet is awesome for the freedom you have to create. There is great flexibility in the product and love that it can be used in data tracking format but can also be more creatively in dashboard format.

Was gefällt Ihnen an Smartsheet nicht?

I think what I most dislike about Smartsheet, mostly because this happened to me and it was terrible: the inability to recall previously saved documents. I deleted all row formulas on a sheet one time and hit save and basically had to start fresh so if there is a way to avoid silly mistakes like that, that would be awesome. I also dislike the format of tracking all sheets, dashboards, etc. I think that could be improved to more easily see all items shared with me, and what I own as well.

Welche Probleme löst Smartsheet und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

Smartsheet helps us to easily track acquisitions and mergers, track state regulations and roll-outs of projects dependent on those regulations, creating forms widely used on phones of our employees, creating dashboards for our departments. This all increases productivity and functionality in our organization.

Kleinunternehmen (50 oder weniger Mitarbeiter)
22. Februar 2023
Jenne T.
„Erfüllt jederzeit meine Bedürfnisse“
Was gefällt Ihnen an Smartsheet am besten?

There are many things I like best: 1) Easy to use. Extremely intuitive, and if I hit a roadblock, the user community always has an answer. 2) Easy to add contributors. This is key for my business. I can have different clients be editors or viewers under my license. 3) Dashboard. This is the perfect (and easiest) way to help my co-workers and clients see or gain access to everything they need. Both creating is user friendly and always provide a professional view and experience for people I work with.

Was gefällt Ihnen an Smartsheet nicht?

I haven't found a real downside yet. I continue to recommend Smartsheet to anyone who asks for project management or a similar solution.

Welche Probleme löst Smartsheet und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

The biggest win is collaboration, communication and accountability.

Mittleres Marktsegment (51–1000 Mitarbeiter)
22. Februar 2023
Marcela A.
„Tolles Tool für die Zusammenarbeit“
Was gefällt Ihnen an Smartsheet am besten?

I like that it allows me to easily collaborate with peers across the organization in real-time.

Was gefällt Ihnen an Smartsheet nicht?

It has a very similar feel to Excel but lacks some formula functionality.

Welche Probleme löst Smartsheet und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

It allows us to streamline and centralize ongoing tasks and projects.

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