Ein PCMag.com Editors' Choice Gewinner, Zoho Projects ist eine cloudbasierte Projektmanagementplattform, die Unternehmen dabei unterstützt, Projekte zu planen, den Fortschritt effizient zu überwachen und die Zusammenarbeit zwischen Teammitgliedern zu fördern. Grundlegende Projektmanagementfunktionen wie Gantt-Diagramme, Automatisierung von Routineaufgaben, Zeitprotokoll für abrechenbare und nicht abrechenbare Stunden und Rechnungserstellung sowie robuste Anpassungen werden alle in einer benutzerfreundlichen, intuitiven Benutzeroberfläche präsentiert. Es verfügt über integrierte Integrationen mit häufig verwendeten Business-Apps, während eine gleichwertige mobile App die Portabilität des Projektmanagements ermöglicht, ideal für die hochgradig mobilen Mitarbeiter von heute.
Unser |
Segment |
Einsatz | Cloud / SaaS / Webbasiert, mobiles Android, mobiles iPad, mobiles iPhone |
Unterstützung | 24/7 (Live-Repräsentant), Chat, E-Mail/Helpdesk, FAQs/Forum, Wissensdatenbank, Telefonsupport |
Trainings | Dokumentation |
Sprachen | Englisch |
What I like the best is allowing 25 contacts on free plan. Which is enough for get used to the product as a freelancer and it gives nice platform for startups too to boost up their accounting and sales management.
There is nothing I dislike in particular but the overall web experience could be improved. I found it sluggy sometimes.
When I started using this I was working in a design agency and I just loved helping clients better with this product. I know what is going and at what stage + how much contribution a particular client makes to our total revenue.
The ability to have my team connected and informed has been a huge benefit of Zoho Projects. We were communicating with email, and there was a tendency for projects and tasks to get lost or forgotten. I love the ability to have all communication related to the project in one place and visible to the entire team. The capability to edit documents in real time is a great time saver and prevents the download-update-upload cycle we were forced to use with our previous software. We also use the Gantt chart for keeping up with all of our timelines.
The facebook style user interface is not for everyone. Some of our "more mature" users find navigating the software somewhat confusing. I especially don't like that the documents uploaded in Dashboard or Forums don't appear on the "Documents" tab of the project. I would like the Gantt chart to have additional personalization features like the ability to color code tasks by department and have task dates auto-sync when a preceding task is changed.
We manage all our projects in Zoho. We are a large manufacturing company with many packaging projects going at once. Many teams are in motion at once, from R&D to Design, to Production, to Purchasing. ZOHO keeps us all linked and informed. We can keep tabs on the projects as they move through various departments and track input from team members all in one place. We also have a valuable history of the project when it comes time to review our performance after the project is complete.
The interface is clean and easy to use. I also appreciate the flexibility in how I set up projects. The time tracking is very efficient and we use it heavily. The bug tracker is also very useful. The key function that made us choose Zoho over another platform was recurring tasks. Those are a must for us, and most other products lack that option.
The template could use some work. I'd like to be able to carry over document folders and some key users when I set up a new product. Failing that, user groups, so I could add an entire team to a project at once. Also, the interface to add users to projects is terrible. We have over 100 projects, and it takes a long time to add someone to multiple projects at once because the list is not alphabetized or organized in any way. We would also like to see RTF comments and the ability to sort comments from newest to oldest, especially on recurring tasks. Finally, the ability to carry over followers on recurring tasks is a gap that needs to be resolved.
We were looking to replace Central Desktop. Zoho has several similarities to our old system, which made the transition easier. The advantages of Zoho for us are price, stability, and robust time tracking.
The Zoho Projects offering gives PM's, Engineers and Consultants the ability to manage and execute Projects from anywhere. As a SaaS offering it is browser based, cross-platform and quite user friendly. It includes the features you'd expect a Project Management tool to have.
It doesnt fully work with all browsers and some of the Task Management features you'd expect to see arent there. There are a few other annoying traits with regard to Project Template setup which also could be better.
We needed a Project Management function that hooked into our other Line of Business applications seemlessly and allowed data to be shared across all parts of the business from CRM to Service Desk. Zoho Projects gave us that. IT obviously needed to deliver very good PM features and functionality also, which it makes a reasonable attempt to do.
Zoho One is a robust solution that optimizes operations. Its integrated applications facilitate project management, team collaboration and customer tracking.
the negative side is its initial learning curve and some limitations in specific functionalities for our sector
We have had greater operational efficiency, better collaboration between teams and the ability to tailor tools to specific business needs.
The integration with other Zoho tools (CRM and Zoho Invoices)
The interface is still not the best possible in terms of UX
We used Clarizen and TeamGantt before. TeamGantt is a really cool tool for time tracking but it is not connected with other business processes like sales or invoicing
Zoho Projects is easy to set up and navigate , there are multiple ways to communicate in the app , Deep configuration options
Does not include premade templates , Slightly unusual resource management view
inexpensive project management app. It have helpful features, making it an attractive option for the growth of an businesses.
Tracking and setting up reminders, managing responsibility allocation across teams or just for individual. Ability to connect with CRM, Connect Kanban cards, timesheets, and HRM.
Nothing at the moment. We are able to track and work our tasks across different projects for clients with ease.
Organizing and managing pending tasks for clients and tracking progress and next due tasks.
1. Easy to configure with good amount of configuration options are available. 2. Our employees found it easy to use. 3. Price is comparable with other similar products.
1. The UI can be bit more intuitive. 2. Task descriptions can be made more UI friendly such it looks like project documentation. 3. Timesheet management can made more intuitive.
Project management with spreadsheets in cumburesome. Zoho projects help us with project management and the product has all the important features for project management. It is comparable with other products in the market with similar functionalities in terms of features and pricing.
Project planning and task assignment modules
Lesser reports inability make task and milestone with strict timelines
Project Management and time tracking
cloud-based, easy to use, good pricing, flexible
lacks some of the funcionalities of more complex products
Handle a gant chart type of project activity
The best part about Zoho Projects is that its connected to the whole Zoho ecosystem. The milestones to tasklist to team flow is also very simple. I have used Jeera before but Zoho projects feels much more simple
The task status are sometimes not updated on the template which I have created. Also I feel the project feed customization could have been better as it feels a bit restricitive right now
As a consultant working with different teams and projects going on simultaenosuly with very varied task sets. Zoho projects helps me keep it super simple and effecient
Zoho Projects is an outstanding project management software with the best integration as well as insightful charts and reporting capabilities. Its features are very unique and make it stand out in the marketplace!
There are a few issues such as time tracking, and issue tracking of tasks is a little difficult. It should be improved to track and comply with the SLA of tasks.
It has now become easy to manage the tasks easily. We are now able to more efficient in completing a large number of tasks in a very planned manner. The business performance has absolutely been increased as we are now able to cater large volume of task.
Zoho Project is very flexible and configurable, it can be used for any type of project management framework. Highly configurable and easy to use. The tool helps you control the user privileges as you desire, which makes it very controllable. The integration with other ZOHO products really makes life easier
Nothing major, but it would be great if it has more Agile oriented project templates,( i know there is ZOHO sprints for it), but still it would be great if a basic agile framework can be added here, so users don't have to juggle between apps
To be on control of the team and task. One-stop place to be on top of everyday things. The tool has very effective notification alerts, which brings me back to the task and manage it before the task get delayed
Ability to share the project with the client without having to have an additional license. I also like that it's intuitive and easy to use for the project managers, project team, and clients.
Doesn't have as much feature/functionality as competitors like Smartsheet. I would like to have really good project portfolio capability.
I was able to connect the project team with the client and share the project plan and timeline to allow for transparency and collaboration with the client and the project team.
I like the online collaboration features of the application.
The search capability of the application
Document management and sharing capabilities within remote teams.
Zoho Project helps you manage and streamline the entire process when carrying out a project, it has an excellent Kanban board and a dynamic and very clean user interface, with Zoho you can track each project from start to finish, It is excellent to be able to manage your calendars, tasks and the entire workflow of your company, Zoho allows you to keep track of errors to increase productivity and correctly manage all projects.
Zoho seems to me to be a somewhat difficult tool to customize, communication with your team becomes difficult because communication through chat tends to be delayed and to be able to use this tool a fast internet is required.
I have been able to increase productivity because I can create projects and tasks easily, the kanban board and Gantt chart are exceptional, Zoho has seemed an excellent platform to carry out all my projects and keep track of each one, seeing the progress of your projects is fascinating.
Подобається функціонал, звіти, можливість кастомізації інтерфейсу. Подобаєтся цінова політика - необмежена кількість проектів та задач. Також подобається можливість самостійно роздавати права колегам і редагувати їх під конкретні потреби. Подобається також робота служби підтримки - щоб отримати відповідь потрібно чекати секунди, а в окремих випадках - хвилини. Також відповідь надают вичерпну або фіксують запит до розробників, щоб вони, при можливості, розширили функціонал.
Помилки в роботі, поганий переклад російською мовою, відсутній переклад українською мовою, інтерефейс не логічний. Мало професійних та детальних оглядів, майже відсутні навчальні матеріали. Відсутня можливість самостійно управляти акаунтами групи людей, які працюють в компанії - кожен співробітник тільки самостійно може заповнювати свої дані (ім'я, прізвище, фотографію, контактні дані). У зв'язку з цим виникають проблеми із правильністю заповнення інформації та її повнотою.
Зохо допомагає організовувати роботу команд та відслідковувати робочий час кожного працівника в розрізі задач. Зохо дозволяє нам вчасно відслідковувати виконання задач та завантаження членів команд.
Zoho Projects, as the product marketing claims, manages my projects very efficiently. It has actually made it easy for me to manage my milestones, targets, and tasks, and made it easier to stick to the timelines and execute it properly and in a timely manner. Also Zoho gives a free account in order to try it out properly before buying a premier subscription
Some features are only available in the premium version. But even with a standard month to month plan its a tad too pricy for an average buyer
Zoho has helped my team with all our new marketing strategies and has helped me to collaborate with my team in a more productive and easy way. Also in making my team more efficient in sticking to the timeline .
Zoho Project is designed for the creation, organization and development of any type of project, be it budgets, research, creation and design of web pages, among others; carrying out a simple registration that allows the user to make an efficient calendar and an appropriate follow-up of any type of tasks in development, completed, or initial work. Thus, this application simplifies ways of investment and entrepreneurship.
The characteristics of Zoho Project in its less expensive versions are more limited. On the other hand, the application does not have the best guidance and training system, being confusing or incomplete in some cases, forcing the user to discover many of the uses of this program by himself, facilitating the loss of important points for maximum exploitation.
Zoho Project has allowed me to manage the administration of my projects and tasks much more efficiently. Through its system of registration and monitoring of all activities, I can have exact dates of when I started a company or some work, when they were completed, and check the different phases of their development process. This platform allows small entrepreneurs to carry out any of the available companies, register them completely from beginning to end, without ignoring dates or inconveniences that have arisen during the development of the projects. Beyond being an application of when it started and when a development plan was finished, it leaves absolutely nothing aside, thus allowing a proper follow-up of all activity. In addition, it allows several projects to be carried out at the same time.