Planen und veranstalten Sie Webinare der nächsten Stufe
(Früher GoTo)
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GoToWebinar-Bewertungen und Produktdetails

GoToWebinar Übersicht
Was ist GoToWebinar?

GoTo Webinar ist bekannt als das weltweit beliebteste Webinar- und Webcasting-Tool und ist eine benutzerfreundliche Lösung, mit der Benutzer Webinare, virtuelle Konferenzen und Veranstaltungen veranstalten können. Die Plattform verfügt über robuste Funktionen und Integrationen, die es Benutzern ermöglichen, mit Zielgruppen in Kontakt zu treten, um das Geschäftswachstum voranzutreiben.

Unternehmen LogMeIn, Inc.
Gründungsjahr 2003
Firmengröße 1001-5000 Mitarbeiter
Hauptsitz Boston, MA, Vereinigte Staaten
Soziale Medien
GoToWebinar-Kategorien ein Findstack
Crevio Logo
$ 29.00 / Monat
Crevio ist eine Plattform für Entwickler zum Verkauf digitaler Produkte, Dienste, Kurse und Zugriff auf andere Drittanbieter. Erfahren Sie mehr über Crevio
Stellen Sie Fragen zu GoToWebinar
Wofür eignet sich GoToWebinar am besten?
Wie schneidet GoToWebinar im Vergleich zu BlueJeans Virtual Events ab?
Was sind die Vor- und Nachteile von GoToWebinar?
Mittlerer Markt
Einsatz Cloud / SaaS / Webbasiert, Desktop-Mac, Desktop-Windows, mobiles Android, mobiles iPad, mobiles iPhone, On-Premise-Linux
Unterstützung 24/7 (Live-Repräsentant), Chat, E-Mail/Helpdesk, FAQs/Forum, Wissensdatenbank, Telefonsupport
Trainings Dokumentation
Sprachen Englisch
GoToWebinar Vor- und Nachteile
  • Veranstaltet automatisierte Webinare
  • Option zum gleichzeitigen Hosten von Organisatoren und Diskussionsteilnehmern
  • Kann Webcasts hosten
  • Bietet Webinar-Analysen und -Exporte
  • Integration mit GoToMeeting
  • Kostspielig im Vergleich zu anderen Alternativen
  • Der Basisplan bietet nur Platz für 100 Webinar-Teilnehmer
  • Moderatoren und Teilnehmer müssen bestimmte Software herunterladen, um die Plattform nutzen zu können
Analytics und Reporting
Automatisierte E-Mail-Einladungen
Automatisierte Webinar-Erinnerungen
Anpassbares Branding
Anpassbare Registrierungsformulare
File Sharing
HD-Video und -Audio
Integration mit CRM
Tools zur Lead-Generierung
Mobile Access
Mehrsprachige Unterstützung
Umfragen nach dem Webinar
Aufnahme und Wiedergabe
Bildschirm teilen
Social Media-Integration
Umfragen und Feedback
Virtuelle Hintergründe
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Letzte Aktualisierung: Februar 10, 2025
787 GoToWebinar Rezensionen
4.3 von 5
Mittleres Marktsegment (51–1000 Mitarbeiter)
28. Mai 2019
Catherine W.-Avatar
Catherine W.
„Zuverlässiges, benutzerfreundliches Webinar-Tool“
Was gefällt Ihnen an GoToWebinar am besten?

We switched to GoToWebinar because service is reliable and the interface is clear and intuitive, leaving little chance for problems during our events.

Was gefällt Ihnen an GoToWebinar nicht?

I don't have any negatives to share. I am happy with the product.

Welche Probleme löst GoToWebinar und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

We needed a tool that allows us to host webinars regularly, both to share our screen, but also to hold panel-style events. We needed something cost effective and easy to use, unlike our prior service, Webex, which was neither.

Unternehmen (> 1000 MA)
28. Mai 2019
Lisa B. Avatar
Lisa B.
Stellvertretender Direktor, emeritiert
„Langjähriger Benutzer – liebe Funktionalität“
Was gefällt Ihnen an GoToWebinar am besten?

GTW is a plug and play service that allows for virtual meetings, trainings, briefings and more. It is easy to use and highly intuitive while also including more advanced options that allow me to kick up my game. I spend most of my life in meetings and have used many platforms. GTW is still my preferred option for virtual interactions.

Was gefällt Ihnen an GoToWebinar nicht?

I love the polling function but find it can sometimes be slow and difficult for presenters to monitor. I would also like to be able to post handouts after a presentation has been recorded.

Welche Probleme löst GoToWebinar und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

I work on national and international issues and GTW allows me to connect across continents.

Mittleres Marktsegment (51–1000 Mitarbeiter)
28. Mai 2019
Tatyjána M. Avatar
Tatyjána M.
Key Account Manager
„GoToWebinar-Einsatz im Geschäftsalltag“
Was gefällt Ihnen an GoToWebinar am besten?

Easy and effective, user friendly interface which can be learned in an instance. Easy to manage, history of webinars accessible, recording option is a must use!

Was gefällt Ihnen an GoToWebinar nicht?

You lose a little of engagement with Customer if you have a meeting without seeing people in person. You are not feeling emotions, there is no feedback provided while seeing faces and expressions - however we try to have first few meetings in person and then pursue with Webinar meetings.

Welche Probleme löst GoToWebinar und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

We are engaged in IT software business and we work mostly with Customers with all country locations. We have meetings, trainings, Customer requirements analysis workshops, development handovers, project meetings, etc. Before GoToWebinar - we did all the stuff above in personal meetings which required a lot of traveling time and cost. According our statistics - last year we did 169 meetings with help of GoToWebinar! (and our company has 56 employees) - which resulted efficiency in terms of costs and most important - time - which we spent on productive work instead of traveling.

Kleinunternehmen (50 oder weniger Mitarbeiter)
15. Mai 2019
Shaun V.
IT / Betriebsleiter
„Erster Benutzer, der Gotowebinar für die Veranstaltungen unserer Kunden nutzt. Unternehmen für Laufveranstaltungen“
Was gefällt Ihnen an GoToWebinar am besten?

The flow of the software is much easier than some of the other counterparts. Once launching a webinar their are more than sufficient settings that again we don't get on other platforms.

Was gefällt Ihnen an GoToWebinar nicht?

Not able to lock pre-setup webinars, so as when giving access to other not so tech savvy individuals we run the risk of them deleting the webinar by accident.

Welche Probleme löst GoToWebinar und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

We are now able to offer the service to our clients effortlessly.

Kleinunternehmen (50 oder weniger Mitarbeiter)
14. Mai 2019
Henry H.-Avatar
Henry H.
„Wissen teilen mit GoToWebinar“
Was gefällt Ihnen an GoToWebinar am besten?

I like the quality of video, desktop presentation and stability during use. We renewed the subscription 2 years and currently on our 3rd year use. A great product.

Was gefällt Ihnen an GoToWebinar nicht?

Our only dislike is the non-ability to change email notification of registrants.

Welche Probleme löst GoToWebinar und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

Training of Volunteer Staff and Students online across the nation.

Mittleres Marktsegment (51–1000 Mitarbeiter)
14. Mai 2019
Doug G. Avatar
Doug G.
„Tolle, einfach zu bedienende Plattform“
Was gefällt Ihnen an GoToWebinar am besten?

It is fast and easy to setup and/or copy a recurrent webinar. The data feedback is incredible.

Was gefällt Ihnen an GoToWebinar nicht?

After two years of using this product, we have not found a single thing wrong with it. It has only gotten better.

Welche Probleme löst GoToWebinar und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

We are able to reach potential customers all over the world without leaving the office and saving on travel expenses.

Kleinunternehmen (50 oder weniger Mitarbeiter)
14. Mai 2019
Tanya M. Avatar
Tanya M.
„Einfach zu bedienen und der beste Weg, Ihre zukünftigen Kunden zu erreichen“
Was gefällt Ihnen an GoToWebinar am besten?

We use gotowebinar weekly to reach franchise candidates, educate our franchisees, and inform future customers on new research etc.....We love the platform and it's now thee way to talk directly to people about our programs

Was gefällt Ihnen an GoToWebinar nicht?

nothing. really, maybe ability to upload videos from youtube if I can prove that we own them?

Welche Probleme löst GoToWebinar und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

it's keeps my prospects in the loop and allow me to use live presentations to reach other prospects through recorded webinars

Kleinunternehmen (50 oder weniger Mitarbeiter)
01. Mai 2019
Tiffany P. Avatar
Tiffany P.
Leitender Account Manager
„Macht das Hosten von Webinaren zum Kinderspiel!“
Was gefällt Ihnen an GoToWebinar am besten?

The ease of scheduling a webinar, the simplicity of running the webinar, and the look of the interface. Allows me to schedule re-occurring webinars, or webinars on the spot. Was able to schedule my first webinar within minutes of signing up without any training needed. I love the graphing of attendance and the ability to record the webinars and share the link. Love the poll option within the webinar as well.

Was gefällt Ihnen an GoToWebinar nicht?

Audio options were confusing at the beginning, but figured it pretty quickly. Would like the viewers to send q&a to other presenters not just the main host.

Welche Probleme löst GoToWebinar und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

We hold monthly webinars, to educate our customers on our product, new features, tips and tricks, etc. Mostly use to help with training and retention. People love our monthly webinars.

Mittleres Marktsegment (51–1000 Mitarbeiter)
30. April 2019
Debra S.
Internet Manager
„Mit Abstand eine der großartigsten Erfindungen aller Zeiten!!!“
Was gefällt Ihnen an GoToWebinar am besten?

Saves time, money, and did I say time and money!!! Love it, can discuss things get it over and go on with the day. Decisions are made faster and more effective!

Was gefällt Ihnen an GoToWebinar nicht?

Really nothing unless you have a bad connections with you internet.

Welche Probleme löst GoToWebinar und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

Time and Money, gets to the decisions quicker and projects get completed a greater and more successful pace!

Unternehmen (> 1000 MA)
Jan 15, 2019
David R.
Vizepräsident für Kundenerlebnis
„Um großen Personengruppen die Möglichkeit zu geben, ein Meeting zu sehen, ist GoToWebinar die perfekte Lösung.“
Was gefällt Ihnen an GoToWebinar am besten?

GoToWebinar is very similar to the GoToMeeting product. It is simple to use. Additionally, if needed, LMI offers trained meeting hosts to run the meeting for you.

Was gefällt Ihnen an GoToWebinar nicht?

It is somewhat cost prohibitive for an annual license.

Welche Probleme löst GoToWebinar und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

We host company wide, department wide and team wide meetings using this software. It has been a lot better than just voice calls. You now can have screen sharing, presentations, video and much more

Mittleres Marktsegment (51–1000 Mitarbeiter)
26. Nov 2018
Andi G.
Manager für Finanzplanung und -analyse
„Keine Ausreden – machen Sie mehr Webinare“
Was gefällt Ihnen an GoToWebinar am besten?

Pretty simple to use tool, great extensibility and has all the features you need to ensure you get the job done.

Was gefällt Ihnen an GoToWebinar nicht?

Like with all tools there are limitations such as # of involved parties or attendees, etc, but unless you are hosting a multitude of people you should be good to go.

Welche Probleme löst GoToWebinar und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

We solve hosting large webinars for a decent size population of users, customers, partners, alliances, vendors, etc. We have a small team that run them so having a tool that is agile and nimble is a requirement.

Unternehmen (> 1000 MA)
08. Oktober 2018
Kimberly W. Avatar
Kimberly W.
Direktor für Infektionsprävention
"Einfach zu benutzen"
Was gefällt Ihnen an GoToWebinar am besten?

User friendly. I use the app version. I was able to download the app, and log into my meeting without any issues. Very clear voice/sounds.

Was gefällt Ihnen an GoToWebinar nicht?

There really wasn’t anything that I disliked about this product.

Welche Probleme löst GoToWebinar und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

I am able to tune in to local Infection Control webinars, join in group discussions, and connect with others around me.

Mittleres Marktsegment (51–1000 Mitarbeiter)
25. September 2018
Deanna T.
„tolle Möglichkeit, online zusammenzuarbeiten“
Was gefällt Ihnen an GoToWebinar am besten?

I like the ability to screen share, as well as conduct a voice and visual meeting with many team members no matter their location.

Was gefällt Ihnen an GoToWebinar nicht?

Sometimes my computer audio does not work and I have to dial in to hear/speak with a landline, but this may be my computer and not the software.

Welche Probleme löst GoToWebinar und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

Global and Regional meetings online. We are able to discuss timely information with an online presentation.

Mittleres Marktsegment (51–1000 Mitarbeiter)
23. März 2018
Caren L. Avatar
Caren L.
„Webinare leicht gemacht“
Was gefällt Ihnen an GoToWebinar am besten?

Easy to access and very intuitive and user-friendly.

Was gefällt Ihnen an GoToWebinar nicht?

Does not always load in Chrome, although that could be our security settings.

Welche Probleme löst GoToWebinar und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

Makes a good platform for training presentations. Eliminates the need for videoconference setups.

Kleinunternehmen (50 oder weniger Mitarbeiter)
22. März 2018
Bob M.
„Enterprise-Qualität, einfach zu bedienen“
Was gefällt Ihnen an GoToWebinar am besten?

We've used several systems over the years, and this one just flat out works. We sell into larger enterprises who very typically have strict security requirements, and GoTo consistently works well.

Was gefällt Ihnen an GoToWebinar nicht?

Can't think of any real challenges that we have with the product.

Welche Probleme löst GoToWebinar und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

Be able to communicate our story to prospects in an easy to use format.

Unternehmen (> 1000 MA)
21. März 2018
Candace M.
Direktor für Wohnungsbau
Was gefällt Ihnen an GoToWebinar am besten?

Being able to host meetings with personal link

Was gefällt Ihnen an GoToWebinar nicht?

Audio issues can sometimes be hard to overse

Welche Probleme löst GoToWebinar und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

Meeting with remote colleagues

Unternehmen (> 1000 MA)
Jan 31, 2018
Bretagne R.
Lizenzierter Immobilienmakler
„Webinar für Unternehmen“
Was gefällt Ihnen an GoToWebinar am besten?

I like that you can easily click a link in your email inbox to access a webinar at a certain date and time. Once you click the link (if you’ve already signed up with go to webinar) it will directly take you to the webinar you have joined as an attendee and you can even interact with whoever’s giving the webinar and others if that options been turned on by the coordinator.

Was gefällt Ihnen an GoToWebinar nicht?

I haven’t come across anything I dislike. I don’t have another webinar based platform I use to compare too.

Welche Probleme löst GoToWebinar und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

The benefits that come with GoToWebinar include: being able to quickly hop on a webinar, having recordings of the webinar, many people in one place to chat and learn, especially helpful when you’re a cloud based company**

Mittleres Marktsegment (51–1000 Mitarbeiter)
Jan 26, 2018
Natalie W.
„Einfach zu bedienende Software, die sich bei Teamanrufen als nützlich erwiesen hat“
Was gefällt Ihnen an GoToWebinar am besten?

I really like that you have the option to use computer or phone audio. It helps get around device issues that people inevitably have. Especially when we're holding meetings that include people from outside our organization. Also love the chat feature, raising hands, etc.

Was gefällt Ihnen an GoToWebinar nicht?

I can't think of anything that I immediately wish was different. I've never experienced any glitches while using GoTo and overall have had a positive experience. Sometimes people forget to mute one device when using the other for audio so there's feedback, but that's really a user error.

Welche Probleme löst GoToWebinar und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

Large conference calls with people from all over the country and representing a variety of different organizations. Other software like skype and slack have small participant limits and require downloads that confuse people who aren't familiar with the program. This was very intuitive for participants to use, had all the features we needed, and allowed people to use their device of preference.

Unternehmen (> 1000 MA)
Jan 18, 2018
Brandon G.
Spezialist für Website-Support
„Tolle Plattform für Firmentreffen“
Was gefällt Ihnen an GoToWebinar am besten?

My favorite thing about GoToWebinar was after receiving the invite, having the ability to store it in many different calendar formats, and for it to be easy to access after accepting the invite. This was very easy to use, and intuitive software that allowed for very easy sharing of a presentation, that was vital to inform the company of upcoming issues.

Was gefällt Ihnen an GoToWebinar nicht?

I didn't like that when hopping into the meeting, it didn't know which audio source to select. I had to go through a series of audio checks just to ensure the sound was even coming out of the proper speakers. It would be nice if it detected the default audio device and went with that.

Welche Probleme löst GoToWebinar und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

This tool makes it incredibly easy to effectively communicate with others whether or not they're inside your work network. Skype for business has the limitation of being only on an internal network, but this offers heightened functionality to invite whoever you want.

Mittleres Marktsegment (51–1000 Mitarbeiter)
Jan 08, 2018
Kristian F. Avatar
Christian F.
Strategischer Vorverkauf
„Software zur Durchführung von Webinaren“
Was gefällt Ihnen an GoToWebinar am besten?

I like the ability to host large groups and deliver webinars remotely

Was gefällt Ihnen an GoToWebinar nicht?

It doesn't stand out to me as compared to other webinar software

Welche Probleme löst GoToWebinar und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

Hosting webinars for large groups

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